Welcome to the Class Art Projects page!

With great excitement and creative energy, we celebrate another Mardi Gras with our artistically talented students here at J. E. Cosgriff.  The Mardi Gras Class Art Projects will be on display in the front hall of the school January 29th through February 7th.  They will, then, be moved to the Social Hall for our Mardi Gras extravaganza.  They are, truly unique and one of kind, “original works” of magnificent art by these very fine young people.  Click on the title name for a larger image and full description.

Please note: Starting Monday, February 4th, at 8:30am the class art projects can be purchased in the school office at the buy-it-now price of $2,000 per class project ($1,000 for Toddler, Preschool and Pre-K).  If there is a piece of art that you must have, this is the only way to guarantee that you won't be outbid at the Mardi Gras auction.
Mardi Gras 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
St. Ambrose Social Hall
Class Art Projects
Toddler Class Art Project - "A B C D E F G . . . Next Time Won't You Paint with Me"
Remember how proud you were the first time your little one recited the ABCs “all by myself”? This piece of art will cause you to swell with pride all over again. Each child has painted a letter of the alphabet and then “accented” each letter using cars, trucks, hair accessories, favorite character figurines and more. Each toddler’s unique personality shines through this bright and funky version of the alphabet.
Preschool 3-4 Class Art Project - "Preschool Peace Dove"
The Preschool Peace Dove comes alive by the touch of the children's fingers. Our preschoolers experimented with color and touch by bringing beauty and grace to the Dove. This magnificent Dove has each child's name and the color that they brought to the Dove. A dove is a reminder of Peace, Love, and Happiness - just what the preschoolers bring to our lives. This Peace Dove will not just bring beauty to your home but a reminder of joy and laughter with children.
Prekindergarten 4-5 Class Art Project - "The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Our Parts"
This watery image of two peaceful Koi fish swimming silently is the result of 72 little hands carefully painting 36 tiles. When these curious preschoolers were painting their tiles, they could not picture the final image. Their delight was contagious as they viewed the completed project! They instantly recognized the image as a whole and were thrilled to have contributed to it. This is reminiscent of our preschool in that each student is unique and yet a vital piece of our collective class.
Kindergarten Class Art Project - "Tree of Hearts"
Applying two different watercolor painting techniques, each Kindergarten class created a "Tree of Hearts" work of art.  While half of the students sprinkled table salt onto their damp watercolor painting to create texture, the other half dripped and splattered paint onto their wet paper allowing the paint to spread and bleed.  The hearts were then artistically arranged on the tree trunk and branches, which were created by the hands of each Kindergarten teacher.  For years to come, these works of art will remind you that our amazing Kindergarten teachers bestowed knowledge to our children that will last a lifetime, and just how much our Kindergarteners loved their teachers!
1st Grade Class Art Project - "Take Flight"
Like butterflies, first graders are ready to take off.  Students created butterfly designs using pattern, color and symmetry.  The butterflies are displayed on a simple white stretched canvas. Each butterfly has interesting characteristics that set them apart, but as a whole they become a visual treat, with movement, color and personality – just like the first grade.  The artwork inspired a class book. Each student shines on their own page in this full color keepsake. The students were photographed with their large butterfly and then wrote their own butterfly thoughts. The result is a charming glimpse into how these students are taking flight. $100.00 gift card to Evergreen Gallery toward custom framing is included.
2nd Grade Class Art Project - "Second Grade Safari"
Our audacious second graders went on a safari around the diverse African continent! They brought back souvenirs . . . beautifully created animals! Using wax resist and watercolor techniques, the children created African animals that are as wonderful and unique as each of them.  Cleverly arranged in the shape of their homeland, these animals are sure to elicit a sense of fun and adventure displayed in any home.
3rd Grade Class Art Project - "Wind is the Journey"
The feather is an important symbol of the Native American way of life. It represents freedom, power, wisdom, honor, trust and strength. Inspired by their Native American studies, and the print artist Robert Rauschenberg, our third grade students have designed and printed their own feathers onto this colorful and lively mixed media piece. These feathers are interwoven with photo transfers of various Native America elements much like the lithographs of Rauschenberg.
4th Grade Class Art Project - “Serenity”
For their art project, the fourth grade class had an amazing day of creating origami with their own two hands.  For many students this was their first time to ever attempt origami. Placing great pride, care and excitement into each fold that was made, the students created, in their own unique way, their perfect samurai hats.  The hats where placed into a geometric abstract pattern of beautiful blue hues and transformed into a design that is both peaceful and serene.
5th Grade Class Art Project - "Aspens in Transition"
“Aspens in Transition” is a beautiful, original collection of watercolors that illustrates how the raw beauty of a “Pando” of aspen trees can be brought to life through the eyes and imagination of a talented group of 5th graders. While studying Colonial Heritage, the students in Mrs. Newman’s class painted with feathers and calligraphy pens to experience the texture and style that would have been utilized in that period of our country’s rich history.